_ It remained to be seen
The exhibition It remained to be seen expresses the desire to synchronise a contemporary understanding of the place with layers of the past. The works presented in the exhibition bridge the activities of the past and current projects within the park of Baia do Tejo. The artists were invited to visit the area and express through their art the feelings about finding remains of the past in such a unique area. It remained to be seen reflects polarities within the area and makes new interpretations derelict spaces. By taking advantage of the shapes, colours and materials and challenging their uses, artists spark questions about the lingering impact of repurposing the existing. The exhibition relies on the idea that nothing is lost and everything can be used, assuming that starting from scrap is already starting from something.
Presenting the works in the space of a former factory link local history to contemporary urban layout. The converted warehouse where the gallery is located can witness the form and the acoustics of the former factories in the area and gives an entirely new context for works that have been produced and shown in Lisbon or London. The exhibition brings together both large scale pieces visible from outside alongside smaller works that are unobtrusive. Such range of works mimic the contrast around the area and encourage the public to look for details and deepen their sense of observation in derelict spaces.
Artists: Barbara Bulhão, Nuno Guerreiro de Sousa, Sebastião Castelo Lopes, Giulia Cacciuttolo, Hugo Brazão, Inês Teles
Performance: Léa Leclerc